Thursday, 23 February 2012

It's Simple!

When we grow up and acquire lots of knowledge, we complain that life is complex, I don't get anything, people don't get me!, the list goes on...
Remember the time when we were little, content with our lives, finding joys in little things, being the reason for others' smiles...? But there's no need to remember it because we can LIVE it!
One day, I told a four year old, "Look Aanya, this bird has only one leg!"

She looked at it and said smiling, "But it can Fly!"

I was surprised to hear this. It was simple, without giving much thought she just told the obvious. And I was busy thinking that what might have happened and how difficult it must be for that bird...until I realized that we don't need to strain our minds! Optimism is nothing complex. Look at the world with a child's eyes and everything is amazing!
Doesn't matter how old we've grown up, the child in us is always there and will be awakened if we'll realize its presence.
Even after being so fortunate we crib about the things that we don't have. If we start counting what all we have, then we'll run out of numbers. So be thankful and grateful for what all you have. There are many reasons to be happy and Life is too short to be sad. So cheer up! Live happily today, to the fullest and tomorrow will take care of itself.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Beautifully explained...

"I did not come into the world
To prove anything.
I came into the world
To love everyone 
And everything.

The sole purpose of my life
Is to go back once more
To my peace-home-heart.

Life is given to each human being
For a very special purpose.
This secret each human being
Must discover for himself.

The glowing purpose of your life
Is to run fast, faster, fastest
Towards the farthest and brightest Goal.

My whole purpose in life
Is to be of service to mankind.
This I can do only
By offering inspiration
On the strength of my oneness.

If you think that
Life has a higher purpose,
Then you are fully ready
For the spiritual life."

P.S.- I didn't write this but liked it! :)

Monday, 6 February 2012

Eyes within...

There are two ways of looking at things: one, what the world makes us see and second, what we see from the eyes of our own mind. Insight is our guiding light. Everything around us...we have a perception about it. Sometimes we forget that we always have a choice to see what we want to see. 
This opens a beautiful possibility. Why not look at the good things even about the things that seem to be not so good?
The way we perceive influence our interpretations, feelings, words and finally actions and reactions.