Friday, 20 January 2012

I Am Better Than ME!

Everything and everyone is unique. This world is a masterpiece with each and every thing having its special existence and importance. We should not or cannot compare one thing with other. One’s life- happiness, struggle, achievements, loss, feelings, and all that contributing to his/her experience…belong only to that person and no other soul. Comparing with others gives either satisfaction or depression, but it is only unrealistic.
Comparison, in my opinion, is justified only when I compare myself with me!
Work to be better than you were yesterday.

Thursday, 12 January 2012


Being ever-ready to help others, listening to them and understanding them is being human. But it's important to listen to yourself as well. Introspect.
To connect with oneself, it is imperative to feel those five elements which one is made of viz. the Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Sky. Entwine with nature.


We are completely natural. So, we are naturally complete.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Useless fear

I've always been worried and scared of dying. Whenever I thought about death, I was eaten up by the fear. But one day I got to know what happens after....
It's a beautiful surprise! Fear of death is something that need not be there in life. Look around, everything is amazing! Think,  'After we've outgrown this world what beautiful thing shall we receive next?'

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

A little something that can change everything...

You are an important part of this world. Your being makes a difference. 
Look at yourself with your eyes!
You're amazing just the way you are. Be natural. Be authentic. You are extraordinary. When you see the real you, you'll realise that you are valuable. You have the potential to do anything and everything you want.
Life is beautiful and so is everything else. Your thoughts and feelings add to the magnificence and beauty of the planet. 
Recognise your strengths and the will that could help overcome your weaknesses. Unless you are not happy from within, you can't make others happy. 
Learn to respect that great creation of God i.e. YOU! Love yourself. Feel the magic. :)

Monday, 9 January 2012

Looking for a Solution?

A few words from my father dissolved all my worries in a single moment.
When you are deep in thought...worried...frustrated, trying hard to find a solution, just recall these words:

'Be with your question. Keep on enquiring. The universe will support you. THE SOLUTION WILL COME FROM WITHIN.'

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Here it begins!

Tomorrow never comes. What you are looking up to is TODAY. So, whenever you are really willing to do something, don't think. JUST DO IT! 

This is what made me start writing my thoughts and learnings. Propagation of good things leads to enlightenment.